Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Old Man's Story

I was sitting at the kitchen table peeling squash for my mom's pinakbit(i), while doing so the old man who rented our basement came up and sat down at the table as well, and started talking to me.


I see you have a talent for music. he says to me
I look at him and smile.
Your sister too, she plays the *pretends to play a flute* what is that neh? (ii)
A flute. I reply

It was silent. I didn't feel like talking. But he continued, and this is what he had to say:

The power of music is unbelievable. You know I had an auntie. She loved music. She was rich, her family. She had many men lined up to court her, many rich men.
One day when they went to the church, the pianist was sick.
But it was okay, because there was a new boy in town who knew how to play the violin.
That day at church he played the violin.
He wasn't much to look at you know.
His face was covered with.. you know those boils...

You mean pimples? I say. I tried not to laugh at his lexical mistake. He was truly serious.

Yes the pimples, he continues. But he was very talented. My auntie, she fell in love with this boy. She talked to him everyday. You know he wasn't much to look at. All those pimples.
Her family was so confused why she loved this boy. There were so many other rich men wanting to court her.

Did they get married? I ask

Yes, yes they got married.
That is the power of music.

(i) pinakbit a Filipino dish/ vegetable stew with fish or pork served with rice
(ii) neh: a way of saying girl if one doesn't know your name

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